ICs Have Portfolios and Code Repositories. What Do Managers Have That Speaks For Their Work?
To showcase their work, individual contributors, be it software engineers or designers, have their code repositories and portfolios. What do managers have that speaks for their work?
This came up on the Engineering Managers Community on twitter. I thought it was a question worth exploring here and in a video on my YouTube channel.
ICs have portfolios and code repositories. What do managers have to show?
By the way, I doubt that you are going to create a website or a public portfolio with these, but you can absolutely talk about them during an interview.
Let’s think about this on two main axis where effective management happens:
- People
- Results
(Which one comes first? Ah! That’s probably an excellent topic for another post. Here I simply listed them in alphabetical order 😉.)
- Happy and fulfilled people ready to follow them to another job.
- People they have helped grow, new leaders they have created, and where they are now in their career.
- Successful products, successful projects or initiatives.
- Relevant trainings delivered
- Relevant publications (books or research papers)
Thank you for reading and watching.
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